The full article appeared in the (UK) Sunday People on May 27th, 1984
He's got a degree in sociology, a face like Himmler--and a heart overflowing with hate.
Bespectacled, bristle-headed Ian Bone, 36, is unmasked today as the leader of a group of political nutters who preach a dangerous new creed of anarchist violence.
And they are trying to spread their evil message among striking miners peace marchers--even school-kids.
If Bone had his way, the blanks fired at the Queen in the Mall would have ben real bullets. And the attempt on the life of President Reagan would have succeeded.
Bone and his followers can be seen on the pit picket lines , at CND demos and at animal rights rallies peddling a foul=mouthed propaganda sheet called Class War.
It is a publication whose symbol is the skull and crossbones and whose message is murderous.